goose attack

Geese have a bad reputation. Many people are attacked or chased through parks by these (sometimes scary) birds. I admit, I was once the victim of a goose attack. Granger Park had just opened and a little family of geese found their way in. The goslings were so cute that I just had to pet one! The mother goose didn’t think that was a good idea and almost made a meal out of my hand. Ever since that day, I’ve tried to be more careful and respectful of the bond between a wild animal and her baby.


geese in a v formation

Geese are very loyal birds. Its said that they mate for life! Even if their significant other happens to die, they won’t take on a new mate. They are also loyal and affectionate to their friends in the flock. Like most birds, they fly in a V formation when migrating. Unfortunately, some geese become sick or tired during these flights and have to break off from the group. Another goose will usually stay behind with the injured goose to keep them company until they either die or are well enough to rejoin the flock.


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Like I said before, geese are kind of mean and also fiercely loyal. Combine those powers for good and you’ve got a pretty good companion. A lot of people keep geese as pets for those reasons. They’ll keep watch over your family and property and attack anyone who would try to endanger any of that. They’ll also take care of the weeds on your lawn. The reason they become so attached to their human companions is because of a process called “imprinting” where they bond with whoever raised them as a chick.


Photo of a cute baby gosling by Tambako The Jaguar
  • Geese can fly up to 40 mph! Good luck getting away when they’re on the attack!
  • Geese fly in a V formation because flying behind another goose reduces wind resistance and helps them conserve energy need to fly farther and longer.
  • A male goose is called a “gander”, a female is called a “goose”, and the cute little babies are called “goslings”.
  • There are up to 30 species of geese in the wild.
  • The state bird of Hawaii is the Nene goose.
  • A group of geese is called a “gaggle”.
  • Goslings can walk and swim at as young as one day old!
  • Status: visit any park and you’ll see that they’re definitely not endangered

-Jesse Granger

Follow Jesse on Instagram (@JGBushranger) and Twitter (@JGBushranger)

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